Versión Españo
Santo Domingo, Nov 17, 2012
Dominicans Come Home: Interview with Giovanny Blanco, Director of The Last Intervention

(Santo Domingo, nov 17, 2012).-Film Director Giovanny Blanco was at Las Americas International Airport on Tuesday, waiting for his uncle whom he hadn’t seen in years. He was also waiting for his brother Rafael Blanco, co-producer of Giovanny’s film, The Last Intervention, who was on another flight from the US to Santo Domingo. The two Blanco brothers are coming home to show their film at the VI Dominican Global Film Festival (FCGD).

“The Last Intervention”, starring Dominicans Hempky Madera and Katherine Dickson among others, is the moving story of a rebellious teenager daughter of divorced Dominican parents who discovers that her family is planning an intervention (a surprise gathering of family and friends to confront the drug or alcohol user in an effort to help them overcome their addiction). She soon realizes that it is actually her father who initiates the intervention and hires a film crew to document it.

Giovanny Blanco, Dominican in origin and raised in the United States, majored in music theory and engineering but always knew that filmmaking was in his heart.  “When I was 10, I drew and memorized every scene from [1980s musical drama] The Idolmaker and did all the parts myself. I thought I was doing it for the music but in fact I was becoming a filmmaker.”

Giovanny started off making low-budge short films, which convinced him that it was possible to make films without a ton of money. This inspired him to take the step of contacting the well-known Dominican actor, Hempky Madera.

“I called Hempky’s agent and told him about my film idea but that we had no money,” said Giovanny. “Of course I got no response back from the agent. Then I decided to try my luck with the great equalizer – Facebook! I contacted Hempky directly and explained to him that, as a family man, I thought he would identify with my script.”

The next day, Giovanny got a call directly from Hempky but thought it was his brother Rafael joking and hung up. Hempky called back again and said, “Hey, it’s me, Hemky.” Giovanny was stunned but pleased.
“It told him we didn’t have much money but Hempky said that was not a problem,” Giovanny said.

Giovanny refers to The Last Intervention, written by Sarah Thorp, as a film that poses questions and looks for answers. “I also wanted to show the reality of the US and all its different facets.”

In terms of the film industry in the Dominican Republic, Giovanny is very optimistic. “A spark has been lit and the energy and enthusiasm is here. The Dominican Film Law is excellent. There are so many amazing stories in the DR, so I hope we will see lots of them on the screen soon.”